How Kiss Can Cause Ulcer
If you’ve been blaming hunger or fasting for your stomach ulcer, that might not be the full story.
Many stomach ulcers are actually caused by a bacterium called HELICOBACTER PYLORI (H. pylori). This bacterium can resist the powerful acid in your stomach—an acid strong enough to digest a razor blade! Normally, this acid doesn’t harm the lining of your stomach unless something disrupts its natural defenses.
When H. pylori enters your body, often through your mouth, it travels to your stomach and starts burrowing into the lining. As it digs deeper, stomach acid follows it, causing damage. Imagine the pain you’d feel if acid touched your skin. Now, think about that happening inside your stomach—that’s the pain of a stomach ulcer.
H. pylori is a tough bacterium. Once it settles in your stomach, it can cause a lot of problems, including pain, bloating, nausea, and the sensation of never feeling full.
Treatment for a stomach ulcer typically involves two steps:
FIRST, eliminating the bacteria by using REMSOL ULCE-REDO, AND
SECOND, USE REMSOL ULCE-REDO FOR THREE MONTHS to reducing stomach acid to give your stomach lining time to heal.
It’s also important to note that while hunger doesn’t cause ulcers, it can aggravate an existing one. If you already have an ulcer, going without food for a long time might make your symptoms worse, but it isn’t the root cause.
Read more about Ulce Redo here
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