How Synthetic Drugs Affect Your Sexual Life
Men in Nigeria often spend substantial amounts on chemical products that provide only short-term results. They need to take these products repeatedly to maintain potency, which can have detrimental effects on all organs of the male body.
Over the years, I have seen hundreds of cases where men tried to cure erectile dysfunction with synthetic drugs, only to end up with numerous chronic diseases.
These drugs negatively impact the cardiac system, vessels and peripheral veins, and liver, and can lead to hypertension. Men pay a high price for temporary physical intimacy.
Synthetic drug companies conceal the truth about a 100% natural remedy that can cure impotence more easily than a common cold. This issue affects thousands of men.
In 2023 alone, erectile dysfunction and related diseases of the genitourinary system affected:
- 30% of men aged 20 to 30
- 40% of men aged 35 to 45
- 58% of men aged 45 to 50
- 79% of men over 50

Many men remain silent about their problems out of shame. Some men do not even have the urge to have sex, while others do not respond to sexual activity at all. Low sex drive in men can have various causes, including low testosterone, medication side effects, depression, chronic illness, stress, sleep problems, and lifestyle factors.
Research proves that testosterone is the main sex hormone for males. Low testosterone levels can reduce libido in some men. For this reason, Okanle VITA MAN EXTRA is recommended.
A low sex drive (loss of libido) can affect both men and women, which is why the COMPLETE OKANLE FAMILY PACKAGE is recommended for every family.
The OKANLE VITA FAMILY PACKAGE provides an ideal blend of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and lycopene for complete prostate and hormonal support.
- It increases libido for men and women
- It eliminates harmful microbial growth.
- It locates and flushes out hiding infections.
- It helps women with painful Sex and HORMONAL IMBALANCE
- This gives maximum erection.
- It allows for sustainable sexual performance.
- It solves the fundamental cause of erectile dysfunction.
- It cleans excess sugar from the body.
- It helps to clean the colon.
- It brings about relief to the body by eliminating stress.
- It balances body chemistry.
- It is the solution to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases like stroke and hypertension.
- It’s SHRINK prostate
- It cures Frequent Urination
- It Increases libido in women
- It Nourished the womb
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