• Everyone Must Treat Infection

    Everyone Must Treat Infection

    In a conversation with one of our top medical specialists, the importance of treating infections at least once a year was emphasized. Research reveals that infections can remain hidden in the body for up to ten years without showing any symptoms, similar to how termites cause damage unnoticed until it’s severe. WHY WOMEN SHOULD TREAT

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  • Reasons Why Fibroid Re-grow and Solution

    Reasons Why Fibroid Re-grow and Solution

    FIBRO RE-GROW occurs due to the body’s natural healing process. When tissue is damaged during surgery, the body responds by forming scar tissue, which is primarily composed of fibroblast cells. These fibroblasts produce collagen, a protein that helps to rebuild and strengthen the damaged area. SEVERAL STRATEGIES CAN HELP DECREASE FIBRO REGROWTH AND MANAGE IT’S

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  • Effects Of Using Too Many Painkillers For Menstrual Cramps

    Effects Of Using Too Many Painkillers For Menstrual Cramps

    The regular and prolonged use of painkillers like Buscopan or Diclofenac for menstrual cramps can have serious consequences on our overall health. FIRSTLY, the constant reliance on these medications can lead to hormonal imbalances. The pain-relieving properties of these drugs work by disrupting the body’s natural hormonal processes, which can have wider implications on reproductive

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  • Types of Viginal Discharge, Causes and Care

    Types of Viginal Discharge, Causes and Care

    Causes of Vaginal DischargeVaginal discharge is a healthy bodily function resulting from natural changes in estrogen levels. The amount of discharge can increase from the likes of ovulation, sexual arousal, birth control pills, and pregnancy. The color, smell, and texture of vaginal discharge can be adversely affected by changes to the vagina’s bacterial balance. That’s

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  • Controlling Your Weight is the Key to Lowering Stroke Risk

    Controlling Your Weight is the Key to Lowering Stroke Risk

    JUST AS SMOKING A CIGARETTE CAN INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF HAVING LUNG CANCER, BEING OVERWEIGHT CAN GREATLY INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF HAVING A STROKE. Because of excess fat in the body, inflammation is likely to occur, which causes poor blood flow and potential blockages—two major causes of stroke. When considering extra weight on its own,

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  • The Woman Clitoris

    The Woman Clitoris

    HERE’S A GREAT WAY FOR MEN TO BLESS THEIR WOMEN WITH GENTLE, TENDER TOUCH THE WOMAN CLITORIS, the head which is about the size of a small pea, and twice as sensitive as the head of a man’s penis is the primary source of her see sexual pleasure Going straight for the clitoris before there’s

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  • One Round Of Sex Cannot Satisfy Her

    One Round Of Sex Cannot Satisfy Her

    Orgasm is the best gift you can give her. If you know how to make a woman Enjoy a night with you,Trust me she will forever love and appreciate you. Men have to get something very clear, no woman is satisfied with only one round of lovemaking. Before a woman is satisfied or reaches orgasm

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  • Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Period

    Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Period

    MEN SHOULD READ AND EDUCATE THEIR WIVES AND SISTERS, MOST OF THEM DON’T KNOW THIS. Most ladies don’t understand this because of much heavy grammar used to teach it, and we don’t listen to our bodies too. Pls read, start listening to your body for signs, and follow the simple analysis/steps for ease of getting

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