• Reasons Why Your Penis is Shrinking

    Reasons Why Your Penis is Shrinking

    The phenomenon of penile shrinkage, or a decrease in the size of the penis, can be attributed to various factors. It is important to understand the underlying causes in order to identify potential solutions. Here are some key reasons why penile shrinkage may occur: 1. AGINGCAUSE:As men age, their bodies undergo various changes, including a

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  • Connection between Gut Disorder and Mental Health

    Connection between Gut Disorder and Mental Health

    While we often recognize common gut disorders like ULCERS and GASTRITIS, many people also experience ANXIETY DISORDERS, PANIC ATTACKS, LOSS OF FOCUS, and FEELINGS OF NOT BEING THEMSELVES. They often wonder why these symptoms arise from gut problems. These symptoms occur because millions of nerve cells connect the gut and brain. When the gut is

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  • A Pathway to Liver Failure

    A Pathway to Liver Failure

    “Understanding the Consequences of Untreated Fatty Liver: A Pathway to Liver Failure” What Causes Fatty Liver?Fatty liver, or hepatic steatosis, occurs when excess fat builds up in the liver. THE PRIMARY CAUSES INCLUDE: SYMPTOMS OF FATTY LIVERFatty liver disease often has few or no symptoms in its early stages. However, as the condition progresses, individuals

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  • Dangers Of Ignoring Frequent Urination

    Dangers Of Ignoring Frequent Urination

    Frequent urination at night in men, or nocturia, can be caused by several factors, including: PROSTATE ENLARGEMENT can impact kidney health if not properly managed. Here’s the connection: An enlarged prostate can press against the urethra, causing a partial or complete blockage of urine flow. This makes it difficult to empty the bladder. URINARY RETENTION:

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  • How Synthetic Drugs Affect Your Sexual Life

    How Synthetic Drugs Affect Your Sexual Life

    Men in Nigeria often spend substantial amounts on chemical products that provide only short-term results. They need to take these products repeatedly to maintain potency, which can have detrimental effects on all organs of the male body. Over the years, I have seen hundreds of cases where men tried to cure erectile dysfunction with synthetic

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  • Reasons Why Fibroid Re-grow and Solution

    Reasons Why Fibroid Re-grow and Solution

    FIBRO RE-GROW occurs due to the body’s natural healing process. When tissue is damaged during surgery, the body responds by forming scar tissue, which is primarily composed of fibroblast cells. These fibroblasts produce collagen, a protein that helps to rebuild and strengthen the damaged area. SEVERAL STRATEGIES CAN HELP DECREASE FIBRO REGROWTH AND MANAGE IT’S

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  • How Infection Affects Reproductive System

    How Infection Affects Reproductive System

    Infections can have various effects on reproductive health, depending on the specific type of infection and its severity. Here are some ways in which infections can impact reproductive health: Men with staphylococcus might experience weak erections, quick ejaculation, and low sperm count, leading to difficulty in getting women pregnant. This is why we recommend that

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  • The PRO-XY Combo For Men

    The PRO-XY Combo For Men

    Erectile dysfunction, quick ejaculations, and low sperm count are prevalent among men due to various factors that accumulate throughout their lives. These conditions do not occur suddenly but rather develop gradually as a consequence of our lifestyle choices. There are several factors that can contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction. For instance, wearing multiple

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  • Types of Viginal Discharge, Causes and Care

    Types of Viginal Discharge, Causes and Care

    Causes of Vaginal DischargeVaginal discharge is a healthy bodily function resulting from natural changes in estrogen levels. The amount of discharge can increase from the likes of ovulation, sexual arousal, birth control pills, and pregnancy. The color, smell, and texture of vaginal discharge can be adversely affected by changes to the vagina’s bacterial balance. That’s

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  • Erectile Dysfunction does not Occur Suddenly

    Erectile Dysfunction does not Occur Suddenly

    IT IS A CUMULATIVE CONSEQUENCE OF OUR LIFESTYLE FROM CHILDHOOD. MANY FACTORS CAN RESULT IN ERECTILE DYSFUNCTIONFrom childhood, wearing multiple underwear for instance can result in a drastic reduction in testosterone levels. summer. Researchers postulate that deterioration of sperm quality during the hot summer months may depress fertilization success. Research has shown a decrease in

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