• How Synthetic Drugs Affect Your Sexual Life

    How Synthetic Drugs Affect Your Sexual Life

    Men in Nigeria often spend substantial amounts on chemical products that provide only short-term results. They need to take these products repeatedly to maintain potency, which can have detrimental effects on all organs of the male body. Over the years, I have seen hundreds of cases where men tried to cure erectile dysfunction with synthetic

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  • Reasons Why Fibroid Re-grow and Solution

    Reasons Why Fibroid Re-grow and Solution

    FIBRO RE-GROW occurs due to the body’s natural healing process. When tissue is damaged during surgery, the body responds by forming scar tissue, which is primarily composed of fibroblast cells. These fibroblasts produce collagen, a protein that helps to rebuild and strengthen the damaged area. SEVERAL STRATEGIES CAN HELP DECREASE FIBRO REGROWTH AND MANAGE IT’S

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  • How Infection Affects Reproductive System

    How Infection Affects Reproductive System

    Infections can have various effects on reproductive health, depending on the specific type of infection and its severity. Here are some ways in which infections can impact reproductive health: Men with staphylococcus might experience weak erections, quick ejaculation, and low sperm count, leading to difficulty in getting women pregnant. This is why we recommend that

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  • The PRO-XY Combo For Men

    The PRO-XY Combo For Men

    Erectile dysfunction, quick ejaculations, and low sperm count are prevalent among men due to various factors that accumulate throughout their lives. These conditions do not occur suddenly but rather develop gradually as a consequence of our lifestyle choices. There are several factors that can contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction. For instance, wearing multiple

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  • Types of Viginal Discharge, Causes and Care

    Types of Viginal Discharge, Causes and Care

    Causes of Vaginal DischargeVaginal discharge is a healthy bodily function resulting from natural changes in estrogen levels. The amount of discharge can increase from the likes of ovulation, sexual arousal, birth control pills, and pregnancy. The color, smell, and texture of vaginal discharge can be adversely affected by changes to the vagina’s bacterial balance. That’s

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  • Erectile Dysfunction does not Occur Suddenly

    Erectile Dysfunction does not Occur Suddenly

    IT IS A CUMULATIVE CONSEQUENCE OF OUR LIFESTYLE FROM CHILDHOOD. MANY FACTORS CAN RESULT IN ERECTILE DYSFUNCTIONFrom childhood, wearing multiple underwear for instance can result in a drastic reduction in testosterone levels. summer. Researchers postulate that deterioration of sperm quality during the hot summer months may depress fertilization success. Research has shown a decrease in

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  • Controlling Your Weight is the Key to Lowering Stroke Risk

    Controlling Your Weight is the Key to Lowering Stroke Risk

    JUST AS SMOKING A CIGARETTE CAN INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF HAVING LUNG CANCER, BEING OVERWEIGHT CAN GREATLY INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF HAVING A STROKE. Because of excess fat in the body, inflammation is likely to occur, which causes poor blood flow and potential blockages—two major causes of stroke. When considering extra weight on its own,

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  • Prostate is a Time Bomb

    Prostate is a Time Bomb

    PROSTATE IS A TIME BOMB, BUT THANK GOODNESS IT IS PREVENTABLE Prostate is a time bomb in men’s bosom. The condition is always painful, traumatic, debilitating and embarrassing. Prevention is just the most reasonable and better way out.The prostate is a major health concern for men.It is estimated that 50% of men around 50 years

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  • Foamy Urine Needs Medical Attention

    Foamy Urine Needs Medical Attention

    IF YOU NOTICE PERSISTENT FOAMY URINE ALONG WITH SYMPTOMS LIKE FREQUENT URINATION ANY OTHER CONCERNING SYMPTOMS, IT IS IMPORTANT TO SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION PROMPTLY. FOAMY URINE can be caused by several factors, ranging from harmless to potentially serious conditions. Here are a few possible reasons: 1. Dehydration: When you are dehydrated, 2. Rapid urine flow:

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  • Reactivate Your Sex Life

    Reactivate Your Sex Life

    If you are really tired of being an underperformer with your partner, perhaps the one/two-minute performance is giving you a serious headache, do not worry. We know where the problem is coming from and we have the perfect solution. Sexual inadequacies can be related to hormonal imbalance. When hormones like testosterone responsible for sexual functions

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